American Style Retirement Village comes to Ireland.....

ATG, Cois Carraig Village, Limerick. Hugely successful throughout Europe, Australia and the USA, the concept of co-housing is the ideal option for those wishing to enhance life after retirement. With co-housing, neighbourly support for an independent, active and secure lifestyle occurs naturally. This type of lifestyle offers the ideal antidote to the modern epidemics of loneliness, inactivity, financial uncertainty and security. On a recent visit to ATG’s Cois Carraig Village in Limerick, Minister for Health, Jim Daly said that the people of Cois Carraig had found much more than a place to live. They had found a sense community which he described as very special indeed. This generation of retirees are far more discerning than previous generations. People are looking for a more socially interactive lifestyle and for a quality of life that was not available to retirees in Ireland to date. Based in Limerick Cois Carraig is just 2 hours train ride form Dublin a...